Educational Planning

 Personal Training
  • Female researchers in the human development sciences field
    To mainly train graduate school graduates and post doctorate researchers who can play an active part in the world. The purpose is to increase the number of researchers who are in universities, public research organizations, or companies. Outstanding capabilities of research and research topic in human development process covering the whole life from birth to death are both required. Finishing one’s individual learning field is not recommended, while we aim at the training of researchers who are productive and balanced.
  • Female researchers of the human development field who are focused on Asian countries
    To build an international base of female researcher cultivation in the field of human development by positively accepting young female research workers from Asian countries besides graduate students (foreign students) and post doctorate researchers (foreign students).
  • Specialist with research capability
    To mainly train graduate school graduates to be specialists who have leadership talent as well as research capability. Cultivation of mental clinical specialists such as clinical psychologists, school counselors, childcare practice instructors, school teacher instructors, adult study supporting instructors, and social welfare practice specialist such as nursing care for elderly people, training for policy drafters who have the latest knowledge in the field of childcare, education, and welfare, etc. is aimed at.

 Educational Support
  • The system of participating in a research enterprise
    Participate as a regular member to a base formation enterprise. By actually experiencing planning, execution and conclusion in an international lever, creation of a thesis is supported, and much more improvement in the research capability of degree acquisition is targeted.
  • Foreign student's participation
    Japanese graduated students and foreign students are not distinguished, furthermore, project participation of foreign students is urged positively. Meanwhile, young female researchers from Asian countries are positively accepted besides foreign students.
  • Living expenses foundation and original RA employment system
    RA employment system was founded for graduate students, post doctorate research workers, and foreign students, in order to make researchers to be able to concentrate on their research by providing with living expenses. RA is based on a selection system which selects by analyzing a research plan and select by one's capability. In addition, a fixed frame is prepared for foreign students. 16-person adoption per year is planned.
  • Overseas research trips
    Graduate students are positively dispatched overseas for data collection.
  • Presentation of one’s research in Japan and abroad
    We provide with the opportunity of writing a research report to graduated students, while graduated students might as well present their research results in Japan and abroad.

 Experts' Retraining
  • Publication of project research results
    The research results of a project are published as reports or as books (for example, "Lecture: Human development science")
  • Local support and education through open classes etc.
    The way to the solution of the diversity and the problems of "human development" having a new recognition and an understanding in a home or a community are to be opened. At this base, symposium and open classes are held every fiscal year, and the dissolution of the critical situation in "human development" is supported from a local level. Furthermore, a "mental clinical consultation room" in cooperation cooperates as practical support.
  • Reeducation of incumbent teachers
    • The incumbent teacher is to be reeducated in the following ways: cooperation with "a child's development research center", training of childhood cooperation, and the nature of child is to be studied. Not only more suitable educational activities through reflection of daily educational activities is acquired, but also the teacher’s method of management to a child's problem is to be mastered.
    • Educational support for the education of females abroad is offered.
  • Educational support to development related companies
    • Sponsored research, such as educational related companies (publication, toy, stationery, etc.), and the media industry, the media educational world, is accepted.
    • Knowledge of latest researches or technologies are to be mastered, and it is made to return to society by having a training member dispatched from the above-mentioned company etc., and being given training in this project.