Research Theme

In this research, in order to catch time and spatial diversity of human development, four projects are being carried out. Projects 1 and 2 deal with the foundation of development of the heart, and clinical support; while projects 3 and 4 deal with the time and the spatial phase of development.
These projects are not independent; they are mutually connected and are carried out under co-operational organization.

Project 1: The elucidation and educational support of fundamental mental development process
  • [Purpose]
    To collect data on the development of a child's cognition, social action and the vertical section fundamental data about the adaptation process to school culture. To investigate the fundamental mental development mechanism including a neurology study-base.
  • [Research plan and method]
    • An elucidation and educational support of the development process of personal communication capability.
      Image analysis of mother-and-child communication, protocol analysis, and the brain functional imaging technique
    • Influence from media contact to mental development
      Cause and effect analysis by panel survey and media contact experiment
    • Development psychopathology-research on a child's individuality and adaptation
      Twins sample for carrying out a long-term vertical section family sample and action genetic examination
    • The elucidation of the neurology study-base of the development and disorder in cognition and social action.
      Modeling by using neural network and within-brain-imaging technique

Project 2: Diagnosis and clinical support of a development crisis at home, in school, and in a community
  • [Purpose]
    To investigate various behavioral problems at childcare / educational spot and at home; to take advantage of techniques, such as investigation, observation, interview, and action research; to explore way of clinical support.
  • [Research plan and method]
    • Clinical practice research
      To establish a construction of countermeasures which can respond to examples by investigating problem child, class group, etc. Moreover, to perform delinquency clinical investigation and family research of family therapy.
    • Development of a support program
      To develop and detail the support program while investigating the difference caused by a certain area and school type. Furthermore, to utilize the attached development clinical mental consultation room, and to measure the effect of the validity of the support program in the mental clinical spot.
    • Consultation to the school education and childcare practice in a community
      Indirect support to the person in connection with a child is also needed. Therefore, in order to find out the methodology of consultation (special advice), practical examination is performed through support activities in the clinical spot.

Project 3: Pursuit of the society and the cultural factor exerted on transition from a child to an adult
  • [Purpose]
    To acquire a prescription for conquering the educational crisis in changing society by investigating the interaction among a child's academic ability, course after graduation, daily life, family, school education, education outside school, and social cultural environment, which are caused by a comprehensive framework that are called transition from a child to an adult.
  • [Research plan and method]
    • Research of "Transition from school to the occupation world"
    • Research of "School connection"
    • Research of "Educational achievement and home environment"
      • To extract two or more points (about ten points inside Japan), and to conduct investigation as the following: A. low grade investigation (from the first years of elementary school); B investigation (from elementary school upper-classes to junior high school); C investigation (from junior high school to high school); D investigation (from high school to higher education and occupation). To conduct respectively in principle as following 1: academic ability survey; 2: action and opinion poll of a child; 3:home investigation, and 4:school teacher investigation (the number for enforcement is about 4000 samples, respectively).

Project 4: Long-term research on the critical shift and social support of middle-aged and elder people
  • [Purpose]
    For various problems which occur in one’s middle-age or later: to investigate change of the accelerating social environment; influence of group's instability and mobilization to a work place, family and community; and to conduct research on middle-aged and elder people from a new point of view.
  • [Research plan and method]
    • Program development of the analysis and the study support on the critical shift in one's middle age.
      Investigation on the life risk of the middle years and the grasp of study needs from a viewpoint of gender.
      International comparison of lifelong learning and adult education program. Presentation of the new lifelong learning program by cooperation with factories, schools, and companies.
    • Present data analysis and policy evaluation of nursing care for elderly people
      Establishing local elder people's long-term follow-up survey (economy, health, social activity, family relations, etc.)
      Policy evaluation analysis of public nursing care insurance. International comparison of the investigation of a nursing-care-for-elderly-people policy
    • Self-determination and terminal care of death
      Present data analysis of "socialization to death", and "the education of death" (medicine education, the medical spot, welfare spot, social education, etc.)
      International comparison investigates the consciousness of "death", self-determination of "death" and the policy proposal on "the education of death"